Sunday, August 1, 2010

Al Holder

A Father's Day present for Al.

Looking for treats!

Tricky looking for a belly rub!


For a retirement after 42 years with PNC.

Wedding Invitation

Artwork for our pre-wedding party here in Atlanta.

LTC Luten

LTC Luten for his birthday.

IRR Muster

Cartoon for the "Warrior Citizen"...rejected so as not to offend anyone.


My niece Emma at 9 months old!

Formal Dining Out

Me and Ilene at the May Dining Out.

Major General Sholer

USARC deputy commanding general for his retirement.

Harley and Tequila

For LTC Luten's brother on his 50th birthday.


Cartoon for the "Warrior Citizen" supporting an article on the Employer Partnership Office.

First Command Sergeant Major of the USAR

The guest speaker at the US Army Reserve Dining Out in Atlanta, GA, May 2010.

COL. Tucker

Colonel Tucker just retired from U.S. Army Reserve Communications (North). As of December 2010, she is now the new CEO of Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana, Inc.

COL Jessop

Colonel Jessop from USARC.