Friday, March 20, 2009

Take out.

OK, I got a lot of grief on this one! The Soldiers at the Coalition Cafe (our DFAC, dining facility) were having trouble with civilian contractors taking more than the two take out containers allowed and asked me to draw this toon. They put it up and it appeared in the Mountain View. They were forced to take it down and my boss, 1LT Glaubach got a call from a U.S. captain who insisted that it offended the Royal Tongan Marines and could cause an international incident! You will notice that the flag on the right is the Tongan flag, and unknown to me the Tongans, who guarded Al Faw Palace, had permission to take several containers each to their buddies pulling guard duty. The Tongans, a very professional group and good guys, weren't offended as far as I could tell. The flags of all Coalition Forces do hang in the Coalition Cafe. Of course the first name of the U.S. captain was Ferris...go figure!

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